About DT4EDU

My whole journey of DT4EDU started out as a search for a social constructivist teaching methodology to teach creativity and innovation.  After having been exposed and consequently becoming a champion for the truly Filipino and innovative Dynamic Learning Program (DLP), I realized that there is a need for a teaching methodology that will synthesize and apply what the students have learned in the lower years.  This was to be my focus of research for my PhD dissertation.

After months of finding answers, I was introduced to Design Thinking and how this has gone beyond the realm of designers into the hallowed halls of teaching.  What struck me with DT is that it has gone beyond the content-based approach of traditional methodology and into a process-based problem solving approach.  REDLab of the Stanford d.School defines DT as “an orientation to learning that that encompasses active problem solving and marshalling one’s ability to create impactful change. It builds on the development of creative confidence that is both resilient and highly optimistic.”

Additionally, my critical review of Design Thinking in education (currently being finished) shows that this has fostered skills in creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration.  These  skills, by the way, are reminiscent of the targets of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills to prepare students for the future.

DT4EDU is a collection of articles, including personal reflections, about Design Thinking in education.